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A Go web development eco-system, designed to make your life easier.

Get Started
  • Package version: v1.1.0
  • CLI version: v0.18.14
  • Requires: Go > v1.16.0

Main Features


Background Workers

If you’re familiar with Rake tasks from Ruby, you’ll be right at home using Grift. Seeding a database, running a cleaning job are now at hand!

Running background tasks are easy too, using the Background Workers.


Buffalo Toolkit

Writing a web application module always begins with the same tasks. Buffalo provides you a simple toolbox, the buffalo command, to generate many parts of your app and run usual tasks.

Extend the toolbox with plugins, using the language you want!


Frontend Pipeline

Use the Webpack-generated configuration to build your frontend assets, so you can optimize both backend and frontend.


Hot Code Reload

Code, save, refresh. Use the buffalo dev command to rebuild your app, from backend to frontend, and just see the changes live!



Deep integration with pop provides a simple way to handle database and common related tasks. Supported databases: MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, SQLite.



Buffalo uses Gorilla toolkit to manage routes, sessions, cookies… There might be faster routers out there, but this one is definitely the most powerful!



Write your templates with Plush, using a Rails-like syntax. Extend its features using custom helpers.

If you don’t like it, you can use html/template or even bring your own!



Since testing can be a boring task, Buffalo helps you to define test suites. Action, resource, model generators create test templates for the code you just generated.

You can run them all using a simple command from the toolbox.

Get Started with Buffalo

From our blog

The Pulse ❤️: February 2023

web-development, framework, golang, gobuffalo

It has been a long time since our last pulse. Even though we’ve not posted a version of the pulse we still made a ton of progress on the Buffalo ecosystem. Here are some things that have happened sin... Read more

The Pulse ❤️: August 2022

gobuffalo, golang, rapid-development, web-development

TLDR; This is a long waited update but is well worth it: The Buffalo library got to v1. The new CLI is in alpha version and more! Welcome to the usual Buffalo pulse post, this one has been a bit dela... Read more

The Pulse ❤️: July 2022

go, framework, golang, programming-languages, buffalo

TLDR; Over the month of June we did good progress when compared with May. Buffalo contributors pushed the documentation the CLI and the repositories state to be in better shape. There are some new in... Read more

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