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Template Engines

Template Engines

Map Template Engines by Extension

Desde 0.10.0

Previously you were able to define a single implementation of render.TemplateEngine per render.Engine. This has been removed in favor of a map of render.TemplateEngine. Now you can map a file extension to an implementation of render.TemplateEngine. This means, not only, can you now use multiple template engines in one application, but you can also chain them together.

For example, if the file was foo.tmpl.html it would, by default, first be processed as a Go template, then that result would be sent to the Plush engine.

Here is a list of default implementations:

  • .html - processed as a Plush template, unchanged from previous releases.
  • .md - processed first as Markdown, then as a Plush template, unchanged from previous releases.
  • .tmpl - processed as a Go template.
  • .js - processed as a Plush template.
func init() {
  r = render.New(render.Options{
    // ...
    TemplateEngines: map[string]render.TemplateEngine{
      ".tmpl": GoTemplateEngine,
    // ...

func GoTemplateEngine(input string, data map[string]interface{}, helpers map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
  // since go templates don't have the concept of an optional map argument like Plush does
  // add this "null" map so it can be used in templates like this:
  // {{ partial "flash.html" .nilOpts }}
  data["nilOpts"] = map[string]interface{}{}

  t := template.New(input)
  if helpers != nil {
    t = t.Funcs(helpers)

  t, err := t.Parse(input)
  if err != nil {
    return "", err

  bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
  err = t.Execute(bb, data)
  return bb.String(), err